Back to School Sunday!


Back to School Sunday: September 1st!

We will be celebrating the start of the school year, acknowledging students of all stages/grades, teachers and education workers. There will be a special program in Kids’ Church.  Ice cream will be served during the Fellowship time and every kid will get a tag for their backpack.  Invite a family! There are posters at the Connection Table to take for posting or giving to a friend or neighbour. 


Backpacks and School Supplies

Many families are struggling financially right now. Through the generosity of the Independent Order of Foresters and the congregation, we have backpacks and school supplies available for families that could use them. Not all of them have been claimed. If you know of families that could use this assistance, please point them towards Carolyn Lessard.

This event is on Eventbrite! Sign up here!

Back to School Sunday 2024