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In 2002 our current Men’s Ministry was born, the brain child of four men who began talking about the need for a Men’s Ministry at St Andrew’s. And as a result the first Saturday Men’s Breakfast Meeting was held, the group meets once per month from Sept thru May each year with December off.
To provide members, non-members and the community with an informal men’s gathering where interesting topics and Christian fellowship would result.
We have covered a remarkable array of topics over the years such as Travel, Evangelism, First Responder Groups, Military, Men’s Health, Summer Youth Camps, Birds, Music, Butterflies, Ontario Lieutenant Governor, Pikangikum, and Euthanasia to mention just a few.
We now split our events into Saturday Breakfasts and Mid-week Lunches, and our meetings are always open to the ladies as well. Each June on the Sunday following our Anniversary Service we express our faith as the grandfathers husbands and fathers of the congregation in our now Annual Men’s Day Service complete with our willing and progressing Male Choir for the day.
All men are cordially invited to get involved in our ministry and outreach. If you feel you would like to be part of our programs please contact any of our Men’s Planning Committee Members listed on our Men’s Ministry Notice Board in The CE Hall.
Continuing a longstanding tradition, the Women of St. Andrew’s generously support the work of the local and national church.
The congregation’s records show that women have always taken an active part in caring for those in need, supporting Missions, and helping with the upkeep of the buildings. The Women’s group traces its roots to 1856 when ‘The Female Juvenile Association’ was formed to raise funds to educate orphan girls in India.
Over the years the Women’s groups have operated under several different names. In 1860, the group was known as Scotch Church Ladies Association, in 1875 it became St. Andrew’s Ladies Association, and in 1888 the Ladies Missionary Association of St. Andrew’s Scarborough. In 1914 they affiliated with the newly formed Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) and continued under that name until 1969 when ‘after careful study’ the WMS and the W.A. merged, using the present name PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN.
Currently, the Presbyterian Women's group meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month, in the afternoon. In December we sponsor "Christmas Pie", a musical evening.
Programmes are arranged and guest speakers are invited to cover a wide range of topics and the meetings are always open to anyone wishing to attend. Men are welcome too!
For further information, phone the church office at (416) 438-4100.
The Pastoral Care Team complements the Session ministry by enhancing and strengthening pastoral and social relationships within the St. Andrew's family. The Pastoral Care Team has 8 members and is led by Pastor Monica McClure
Goals of the Pastoral Care Team:
- Visit/maintain contact with those unable to attend church
- Support family and friends in caregiving
- Comfort the bereaved
- Provide appropriate educational and devotional resources
- Reach out through the card ministry
- Host Pastoral Care Luncheons/events at the church
The Pastoral Care Team meets monthly to review and pray for the pastoral care needs of the Church. Our team ministry involves reaching out to members and friends of our congregation who are elderly, shut-in or ill, or in need of support during life’s transitions.
Our pastors as well as members of our team provide ongoing pastoral care as needed or as requested. We also provide support to family members of patients in hospital, and we visit our folks in hospital, at home, and in palliative care.
In addition to visiting, calling, keeping in touch via email, and sending cards to individuals, the Pastoral Care Team enjoys hosting three pastoral care luncheons during the year. All are welcome to attend!
Philippians 4:6 reads “Do not worry about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God”.
For the past 38 years St. Andrew’s Prayer Chain has been lifting the concerns of our congregation and their loved ones to God. We hear of the comfort experienced in this knowledge, we see results and answers to our prayers and rejoice in God’s love and goodness.
“Take it to the Lord in prayer” - this line from a familiar hymn describes the commitment of our Prayer Chain members.
The club has an active membership of approximate sixteen people, couples meet in each others homes every month. The season goes from October to June, with a wind-up pot luck supper in June. We play for the fellowship, and we are always looking for new members. For more info please contact the church office.