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Mission and Outreach
Under a mandate from St. Andrew's Session, this Committee endeavours to involve the whole congregation in mission:
- Through Presbyterian World Service & Development, the congregation contributes to world hunger relief and disaster relief.
- Through the Presbyterian Mission, Evangel Hall, we assist those in need in Toronto
- Through the Teeswater and Leaskdale Presbyterian Cropshare projects, St. Andrews has supported the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. By contributing to cropshare programs, donations are multiplied significantly by the Federal Government.
- St. Andrew’s members support the Food Bank regularly through food items and financial donations.
St. Andrew’s provides Financial funding for Mission & Outreach project in support of Pikangikum First Nations Healthy Babies group.
The congregation is to be commended for its tremendous support of the initiatives of the Mission & Outreach Committee
New committee members from the congregation are always welcome.
Crafts, Coffee & Conversation
This group is an extension of the Christmas Bazaar. We meet in the church hall every Thursday morning from 10 am-12 from May to the end of June and again in September to November. Members bring their crafts and ideas for the bazaar. A fun group and anyone joining us can expect a warm and friendly welcome.
Sandwich making...Evangel Hall