Sunday Worship at St. Andrew's

Currently our congregation is meeting at 10:00 am each Sunday

When we come together on Sunday mornings, our focus is worship. That means singing, praying and listening, all with God at the centre of things. Parts of the Bible will be read, explained and applied. An offering is also collected, but our guests should not feel at all obligated to participate. There is no “dress code” – casual attire is perfectly acceptable.


There is a time in worship especially for the kids, and separate programs are offered for the kids and for the youth in the second part of the service. See our Kids’ and Youth ministry sections for more info.


When we come together, our second focus is each other. Church is community. You should therefore expect a warm welcome from our greeters! Feel free to introduce yourself as a visitor and ask questions. This will help us help you as our guest. After worship, refreshments are usually served in our CE Hall, with a chance to share fellowship and get to know each other better!


St. Andrew’s is a community that loves to praise God in music! We have a wide variety of musical talent in our congregation. Some Sundays our worship is led by our Choir and others by our Praise Team. We also have handbell choirs that perform at special services and events throughout the year.


We have plenty of parking.


Other programs – opportunities to learn, to visit, to serve, to pray – are available throughout the week. See our ministry pages for some examples of this.


Join us any Sunday morning to find out more.