What We Believe

St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church is a Christian community.


  • We believe that there is a personal God who is “the maker of heaven and earth”.


  • We believe that this God is involved in the life of this world, and that He intervened in an unprecedented way in the person of Jesus.


  • We believe that Jesus’ life shows us life as it was meant to be. His death reveals both how far people will go to shut God out, and how far God will go to keep the door open. Jesus’ resurrection both proves his claims and promises that God always has the final word, even over death. We acknowledge Jesus as Saviour and Lord.
  • We believe that God is involved in our lives through the Holy Spirit – God’s dynamic presence in the world -- changing us and equipping us to serve.


  • We believe God speaks to us uniquely through the Bible – In it, we encounter God's heart and God's will for our lives.  It shapes all we are and do in response to what Jesus has done for us.


  • We believe in relationship with God, a relationship that is sustained and strengthened through worship and fellowship, the Bible and prayer. We believe that we aren’t in this alone, but rather that we are part of a community that God is growing.

If you’d like to dig deeper into some of the specifics of what we believe as a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, we invite you to look at our “subordinate standards” (subordinate to the Bible): Living Faith, The Westminster Confession of Faith, and the Declaration of Faith Concerning Church and Nation. Click here to view these on the Presbyterian Church in Canada Website

Who We Are

St. Andrew’s Church exists to help people experience LIFE through Christ by:

  • Providing Christ-centered worship
  • Extending loving fellowship
  • Pursuing meaningful discipleship
  • Fostering gift-oriented service, and
  • Engaging in culturally-sensitive evangelism.

A congregation of the Church of Christ is many things, but it is above all, people!

  • It is lives changed, transformed and renewed by the grace and power of God.
  • It is relationships that have blossomed as a result of the love of God being placed within our hearts.
  • It is hopes and dreams and visions of what we can become together as we walk the path of discipleship.
  • It is brothers and sisters in Christ sharing the joys and trials, celebrations and heartaches of life.
  • It is people in fellowship with God through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

For over 200 years now, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church has been a place where local residents have gathered to worship, pray, and find support through our very special community. Please come and join us. We would love to meet you.

Thinking of joining us for Sunday Worship?

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